This and That

I’m nearing the end of this little bit!

This was a very thought provoking book about nurses working in Vietnam.

An AZ neighbor sent this photo of a cactus in our front yard out there! We have such good neighbors!

Another room done.

The little boy hamming it up in the middle of this photo is E3. He just finished kindergarten.

I’m looking for recommendations for a good travel iron for the RV. Any ideas?

And lastly, I received a comment recently saying that the reader would be interested in hearing more about life outside of quilting. I’ve been mulling this over. Lately, my life has been mostly cleaning, fixing, decluttering our home to sell, so that isn’t all that interesting. Once it is ready to show, I’ll share a few more photos of that. What do you all think? Only quilting? Or more life stuff? Definitely interested in hearing your thoughts.

Have a great day!

About katyquilts

I am a wife, mom of four amazing adult kids, and a former librarian. I love making everything from traditional quilts to art quilts. I am thankful to God my Father and Creator for the gift of creativity!
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8 Responses to This and That

  1. Wanda Hanson says:

    I like a little of everything in a blog, but sometimes life keeps us from putting a lot of variety in our posts. You have a nice mix in yours and I read it every day.

    I have a little Dritz mini iron similar to what you show. I think it gets hot enough to press without steam. It is my quick fix for ironing when I don’t want to go to the basement where my big steam iron and ironing table are.

  2. Jan Horn says:

    I like your blog and read it every morning. I like the way it is now–quilting and

    life happenings.

  3. cgwinkler says:

    Hi Katy, I like both!

    Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

  4. jsyoungsurgery says:

    love your blog— first thing I read every morning.

    the question on a travel iron, I have a travel size Rowenta, it gets HOT it’s small only problem is when your friends using your iron push on (fold down handle) so hard because you must have to PRESS down to iron and they break the handle . Good iron got a couple at Joanns with coupon but of course they don’t carry them any more but Walmart has then .

  5. Beverly Wood says:

    I agree with Jill on the Rowenta travel iron and the current focus of your blog.

  6. jsyoungsurgery says:

    I have a rowenta travel that i orginally got from joanns with coupon(of course they dont carry them anymore) have seen them at wally world(walmart) its nice size, HOT , the handle folds down.

    dont know why some of my friends think they have to (PUSH DOWN ON HANDLE TO IRON)but they have broke handle so you can still use it just awekard. But its a grest little iron like i said

    Love your blog. First one i read every AM


  7. Jill says:

    That’s a beautiful cactus! I have a mini Rowenta for traveling and I love it! I bet that I’ve had it for over 10 years. It’s not as small as the one that you showed, but it’s a great size for travel. As far as your comment about adding other things to the blog, I prefer a quilt focused blog. I used to follow a different blogger and now there almost no quilting in it anymore. There’s recipes, recipes that her daughters make, different crafts, books, books that other people are reading, but no real quilting as it used to be. I think that you should do what you feel is the right thing to do for you. Everyone wants something different…there’s no pleasing everyone! Thanks for asking.

  8. Lois Aspin says:

    I like the balance you have now though balance includes highs and lows so sometimes more of quilting and sometimes more of this and that. Most of all I like the regularity of a litt

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